How can I prepare my dog for their visit?
It is always best to take your dog on a good walk or spend some time playing hard with them to work out some energy and let them do ALL of their business before dropping off for their appointment. Allowing yourself to be calm will also help keep your dog calm during the drop off as dogs can feel emotions and will be nervous themselves if you are nervous!
What do I need to bring to my first appointment?
All we need is a copy of your pet’s most recent Rabies vaccine, however, we would prefer to have a copy of all of their up to date vaccines for our system. Dogs that do not have a Distemper (DAPP/DHPP/DHLPP/DA2PP/DHPP-L/DHPP-C) vaccine or Bordetella (Kennel Cough aka Canine Infectious Respiratory Disease/Canine Infectious Tracheobronchitis) vaccine are more at risk for contracting them while around other dogs. Dogs in our salon spend more time visiting and playing with other dogs than in a typical salon, so we prefer that all of our fur clients be fully vaccinated and up to date, but it is not required for the Distemper and Bordetella vaccines so long that the owner is aware of the risks involved.
If your Veterinarian has recommended for the health of your pup that they do not receive vaccines at all or on the typical schedule of other dogs, please provide us with a signed statement as you would a typical vaccine record. We also accept Titer test records if it verifies the vaccine is still protecting their system. We will not call the Veterinarian for you, so please contact them in advance of your appointment if you don’t have a copy of the records. We require a copy of the Rabies vaccine prior to starting the grooming process. If you cannot get a hard copy of the vaccine records, please email us or have your vet email us a copy of the vaccines to We do not have a fax number at this time.
It also helps to have a picture of what you’re looking for! Whether it’s your dog or a picture on the internet, having a visual is great for us. If you don’t have one, don’t worry. We have a fur length chart and we’re generally pretty good at figuring out what you want!
My puppy doesn’t have all of their vaccines yet but is on schedule per the vet. Is that okay?
We recommend speaking with your vet before booking an appointment. We are willing to accept a puppy before they’ve had their rabies vaccine and we will keep them separate from the other dogs, however, there are great risks when introducing a partially vaccinated puppy to an environment with other dogs even if those dogs are fully vaccinated.
Can I bring all of my dogs at the same time?
Certainly! Typically dogs that have ‘siblings’ here will be more excited than others and can take a little longer to groom, but we’ll always let you know when they’re ready!
Do you groom cats?
Unfortunately, no. Cats typically don’t require a bath as they are usually pretty good about cleaning and caring for their skin and coat themselves. In addition, most cats will become more stressed when put in a salon setting with dogs barking and running around and likely would not enjoy, or even tolerate, the experience. However, if you feel that your cat does need a bath or a groom, we can recommend a groomer that is experienced with cat grooming.
What about other pets (rabbits, guinea pigs, ferrets, etc)?
We won’t groom these animals, unfortunately, but if you call ahead, we would love to meet your pocket fur baby and would be more than willing to trim their nails! No birds, though!
How long will it take to groom my dog?
Every dog is different, but for most smaller breeds, it will take roughly 3 hours. Larger breeds or dogs with longer, matted, or dirty coats usually take 4 or more hours. Doodles, especially larger ones, may take even longer to groom. If it is your dog’s first time with us, we like to let them have a chance to get to know us and the salon before starting to ease any nervousness, so this can add an additional 30 minutes to an hour depending on the dog.
Do you kennel the dogs?
Yes and no. We try to let the dogs run around if their behavior allows for it, but most dogs actually feel more comfortable in a kennel than with other dogs, especially with the clippers or hand dryer going. If your dog benefits from running around, then we will certainly let them do so. However, if your dog prefers to nap in a kennel, we won’t stop them!
Can I stay while you groom my dog?
No, we would actually prefer you didn’t stay with your dog during the grooming process. Typically a dog that sees its owner will act out or be very excited and will often make the appointment last longer and cut into the times of other appointments, or possibly even risk an injury to the dog or groomer! If your dog is just receiving a nail trim/file, feel free to stay, though!
How will I know when my dog is ready to be picked up?
We will always send you a text or give you a call when your fur baby is ready to go! If you don’t hear from us, it just means that we’re giving your baby some extra TLC, don’t worry! If an appointment runs us a little late after we close, we will be sure to stay until the pup is finished. Please do not show up before we text/call. Once your dog sees you, they will probably get too excited and we may not be able to safely finish the groom.
Why does it cost more to groom a Doodle/Poodle?
Doodles and Poodles take a lot of additional care and time when grooming, even when they’re in the best condition. Their coat often takes longer to dry and if not dried properly and completely, will curl and look a bit funny and not cut evenly, resulting in areas being longer or shorter than others. Poodle mixed dogs whose coat resembles a Poodle more than their other breed are considered a Doodle and charged accordingly.
My dog has a few mats, does he need to be shaved?
It’s hard to say without seeing the dog and it depends on how the dog tolerates removing them. We believe in humanity over vanity so we will not put a dog through the pain and stress of extensive dematting and will shave the dog, as it is in their best interest. If there are truly only a few mats and they aren’t against the skin, we will attempt to demat. If there are only a few mats close to the skin and the majority of the coat is mat-free, then we will spot shave.
Do you have medicated shampoo? Can I bring my own?
We don’t carry any of our own medicated shampoos, but we do have Hypoallergenic and Oatmeal shampoos to use if requested. You are certainly more than welcome to bring your own shampoo from home and if the vet has prescribed some medicated shampoo, we recommend using it! We will always let you know if we think a dog needs to see the vet for some skin, or other issues that we find during the grooming process.

Do you take walk-ins?
Yes, we do! Only as time allows, however. Our appointments take priority over walk-ins, so we do prefer you to book an appointment with us by calling ahead, but we will accept them if we have room for more dogs that specific day.
— Nail trims will always be accepted on a walk-in basis and we will take a moment to stop what we are doing to take care of your pup!
I got a text message saying my appointment has been changed?
Don’t worry! We’ll never change anything about your appointment without giving you a call first. Sometimes our clients will book a large Doodle groom for their Chihuahua (for example), so we take a moment to fix the service and it, unfortunately, sends a text out! If we didn’t call you to speak with you about your appointment and you’ve gotten a text saying it’s been changed, we can assure you that we’re still expecting you at the time you requested, but you’re more than welcome to call to make sure!
I want to book both of my dogs at the same time, but the system only lets me do one at a time?
Our system is silly. For whatever reason, it only lets you book one of your dogs at a time and makes you set another separate appointment for the other dog. For multiple dog families, we recommend giving us a call instead of trying to book online. However, if you do book online, please bring both dogs at the same time!
— If you do book two or more dogs online, you will likely get a text saying an appointment has been changed and another has been canceled. This is because the system recognizes them as individual appointments and will require two or more transactions to close them. We will merge the appointments by canceling one of them and adding additional services for the other dog(s) under one appointment.
Do you use muzzles?
We try not to if we don’t have to, but for the safety of the groomers and the dogs, there are times when we do use them. Some dogs just don’t tolerate certain things being done and in order to get the appointment finished as fast as possible for the patience of the dog, we will if we need to. Unfortunately, dogs don’t understand that biting the scissors, clippers, or dremel can hurt them and we would rather be safe than possibly injure a dog!
Do you accept sedated dogs?
Yes, but only at the recommendation of a Veterinarian. Some dogs do not tolerate being groomed, however, it is a necessary part of life for some. We have a natural product containing CBD that helps some dogs relax that we can try, however, some dogs have more tolerance to it and it is not as effective. If our product is not effective on your fur baby, we will recommend sedation at time of pickup to keep the dog calm and relaxed on their next visit.
How often should my dog be groomed?
Typically, dogs should be bathed at least once every one to three months to keep a healthy skin and coat. However certain dogs may need washed more than that if they like to roll in stinky things, play in mud, etc. Dogs that need haircuts will typically need one every 4 to 8 weeks depending on how fast their hair grows, how short it is cut, etc.
What if I want something changed or redone after my dog is finished?
We would be more than happy to fix it! The happiness of our clients, both four-legged and two, is very important to us.
Why is my dog shaking when I bring him in; is he scared?
They could be, but it is more likely that they are shaking from being nervous or anxious, not scared. They could just be excited from the car ride, anxious that they may be at a vet to get a shot or something else! Like people, dogs can get nervous when they are in a new environment and they don’t know what is going on. We have plenty of treats, toys, and love to help those nerves! We also have a liquid, herbal supplement to give 30 minutes prior to starting if we feel that the dog may benefit from it.
I’m running a few minutes late, is that okay?
Give us a call just to make sure, but at long as you get here within 15 minutes of your appointment time, there shouldn’t be a problem. Any longer than that and we will have to work you in or maybe even reschedule your appointment.
Appointments that are walked in will be worked on between other appointments, so we cannot estimate how long they will take.
I just got the text that my pup is ready to be picked up, but it will be a while before I can get there; is that okay?
We don’t mind holding on to your pup for you while you’re at work, running errands, etc, however, if you are unable to pick your pup up before we close, please let us know in advance so that we can make arrangements for a staff member to wait for you. There will be a late pick-up fee after the first 15 minutes; form
Week Weekend
6:00pm – 6:15pm, Free. 4:00pm – 4:15pm, Free.
6:16pm – 6:30pm, $10.00 4:16pm – 4:30pm, $10.00
6:31pm – 6:45pm, $15.00 4:31pm – 4:45pm, $15.00
6:46pm – 7:00pm, $20.00 4:46pm – 5:00pm, $20.00
Please keep in mind that if we are not informed of late pickups, our staff members will only wait for 15min. after closing. At that time the shop will close as usual and your dog becomes an overnight stay, a fee of $75 will apply and your pet can be picked up the next day during business hours. If this happens on a Saturday a staff member will provide you with a contact number either via email, text, or VM (in the instance that we are not able to talk to you) so that you can make arrangements for pickup since our shop is closed on Sundays and Mondays.
What are anal glands?
They are little fluid-filled sacs on the inside of the anus that lubricate their bowel movements every time a dog does its business. Most dogs don’t need their anal glands expressed and many Veterinarians will recommend that a groomer NOT express them. We recommend talking to your vet about your dog getting theirs done and if they recommend it for your dog.
Where are you located?
We are located at the corner of Exchange and Greenville in Allen, Texas in the same parking lot as Yogurtville, Anytime Fitness, and 7-11, across the street from the Allen High School Stadium. We’re right next door to Anytime Fitness!